Using ethical hacking techniques to discover problems in your app and its APIs
Expert developers suggest code-based solutions to vulnerabilities
Comprehensive testing of iOS, Android and web apps, their APIs and back-ends
We provide affordable penetration services to companies of all sizes in the UK and around the world.
Our team goes further than most of our competitors, and identify vulnerabilities but also solutions to rectify anything uncovered.
Using up-to-the minute penetration testing techniques combined with our own unique processes and purpose-built tools, we analyse the behaviour and responses of your running app.
This can reveal many types of vulnerability within days, not weeks.
The smartest and most subtle exploits are the most complex to find.
Our team takes a massive leap further than most of our competitors, and performs in-depth audits of your code. This is the only way to find may types of issue.
We work with your development team to suggest solutions to security issues found, helping you to get your app to market quicker.
Our team are experts in iOS, Android and Web app development and are used to integrating with our customers' development pipelines.
How a developer to a large residential care provider was able to confidently process vulnerable people's private data
We are based in Hampshire, UK, with clients all over the world. For a free 20 minute consultation, please enter your details here.